Looking Back: March Books

April kind of snuck up on me (what else is new), so this post is a little bit later than intended. But c'est la vie and all that. March felt like a jumble, but in reflecting on it, it was a decent month for reading--especially as it came to Reading My Own Damn Books:

Wicked As They Come, by Delilah S. Dawson: Continuing my first forays into the romance genre. This was my first non-Regency romance, and my first supernatural romance. I liked it, but didn't love it--but I think that's just a personal preference for historical romance over fantastical.

Jane Steele, by Lyndsay Faye: I am a huge fan of Faye's historical fiction series featuring Timothy Wilde, so it was no surprise that her newest (inspired by the classic Jane Eyre) was a delight. (My review of Jane Steele)

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail, by Cheryl Strayed: As with Faye, I was a huge fan of the first Strayed book I read (Tiny Beautiful Things), but in this case, so much so that I was almost afraid to pick up Wild. It's been on my shelf for years, and I'm so glad I finally got to it.

Poverty Creek Journal, by Thomas Gardner: This short (53 pages!) book is a series of meditations on running and trails and life and how the three come together in Gardner's training--and it's excellent.

Running: A Love Story, by Jen A. Miller: I love books and I love running and I love thoughtful reflections on the unexpected turns life can take. Miller's book is all three. (My review of Running: A Love Story)

... and for the #Weirdathon:

The First Book of Calamity Leek, by Paula Lichtarowicz: A strange and wonderful story about a group of sisters living in a secluded Garden, featuring old movies, recommended beauty treatments, and showtunes. Odd but thoughtful. Review to come in Shelf Awareness for Readers.

The Library at Mount Char, by Scott Hawkins: This was a re-read for me in preparation for the Weird-off last week. I forgot how much of a mindfuck this book is from page to page... it's really a riot of a read. Highly recommend for fans of chaotic fantasy and impressive worldbuilding. (My review of The Library at Mount Char and Julianne's Weird-Off featuring me talking about The Library at Mount Char).

The Vanishers, by Heidi Julavits: Psychic warfare, suicidal vanishings, porn with dead people as art, and folks wearing the faces of other people. A little fucked up, a lot weird, and totally unexpected.

... and stay tuned for reviews of Valiant Ambition, Mothering Sunday, and (the very, very excellent) This Side of Providence. 


Fortunately, I read a ton of books in March--which means that unfortunately, I didn't take the time to collect links of interest for the month. I'll be back with that in April, though! (And in the meantime, please do share the best things you read online this month?)


What did you read in March?

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