Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow is this month's pick for the Social Justice Book Club, and it is infuriatingly good. I could underline the whole book, and I don't expect I'll stop recommending this one any time soon. (Halfway post to come on this book August 15th; but it's still not too late to join us if you want to read along or just hop in on discussions!) To break up the heavy reading, I picked up my first 2017 book over the weekend, The Impossible Fortress. It's a quirky little book about a 1980s teenager learning to code, and it proved a delight. To go back to the heavy-hitting non-fiction, I'm looking at Trainwreck: The Women We Love to Hate, Fear, and Mock... and Why.
I'll be speed-listening to the remainder of Blue Lily, Lily Blue this week before it's due back to the library this week, and I know I won't be able to resist starting the last of the series, The Raven King, immediately after. And just to keep things interesting, a friend and I have opted to tackle The Count of Monte Cristo for our mini long-distance book club; given this book's 1400+ page count, I expect this will be appearing in these posts for months to come.
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