Week in Reading: September 12th

I'm starting to think I should rename these posts "a week in running" instead of "a week in reading," because I seem to be running much more than I'm reading these days. I've come to accept (in a kicking and screaming kind of way) that I'm in a full-on slump; I don't even have an audiobook going at the moment, despite several hour-long drives last week and coming up again this week. And so my reading list this week looks disappointingly similar to that of last week, and the week before...

I'll be picking up The Count of Monte Cristo again from Chapter 29; despite this book's length, I'm finding it moves quickly and is a delight thus far. I have a suspicion I'm just getting to the good parts, what with Dante's escape from Chateau D'If (fun fact: when we were in Marseilles in 2014, I tried to take the ferry to Chateau D'If, because it is, in fact, a real place. Unfortunately, weather conditions had shut down the ferry for the entirety of our stay. I may have cried. Maybe this isn't such a fun fact after all, but it's been that kind of Monday.). I just finished I'll Tell You in Person, an essay collection from Chloe Caldwell -- more to come on that. I have thoughts (some good, some bad). After setting aside You are a Badass on audio, I'm considering something perhaps more plot-driven for my earbuds... Deanna Raybourn, perhaps? I picked up A Curious Beginning last week during that incredible Audible sale.

On the reading front, that's about it. On the running side of things, I hammered out an 11-mile training run last Friday in hot and huuuuumid conditions, and then ran a 1-mile race on Saturday morning (and set a new personal best for my 1-mile time; I didn't know I could run that fast!). I'm taking it fairly easy this week in preparation for a 10.5 mile trail race this coming weekend; if all goes well, I'll complete two loops of the 5.22 mile course and then stuff my face with cookies at the finish line aid tent. Fingers crossed.

So throw me your best slump-busting reads, and/or let me know your favorite cross-training options for a girl who needs to give her legs a little variety in these routines. 

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