Contact & Policies

I started this blog to create and house conversation, so I'd always love to hear from you! I'm on all the requisite social media channels, and you can also find me at ofabookworm AT gmail DOT com.

Twitter: @kerryamchugh
Instagram: kerryamchugh
Pinterest: ofabookworm
RSS: Subscribe

review policies
I read a wide variety of genres, but tend to focus on literary fiction, historical fiction, and narrative non-fiction. I will visit the occasional mystery, fantasy, self-help and/or business book, but with a heavy dose of filtering. Take a look at my past reviews to see if what you're pitching really makes sense here (hint: if it involves aliens in bunny costumes descending into NYC's Halloween Parade in order to make a seamless appearance on Earth... I'm not interested), and then feel free to shoot me an email. Despite my best efforts, I can't always respond to every review query. If you don't hear from me, it's a pass.

I will gladly accept e-galleys for review; generally, this is most easily handled through NetGalley. I will not review, promote, or otherwise cover Kindle-only titles.

All review copies accepted are for editorial consideration. Accepting a review copy does not guarantee a review, nor does it guarantee a positive one. I do my best to read as many books as possible, but I can only realistically get to so many each year. Many books I do read are featured in columns or lists (such as this or this) rather than in a dedicated review.

Due to competing deadlines and a limited number of hours in each day, I will no longer be participating in blog tours. In order to avoid any potential conflict of interest, I will not formally review books written by friends, colleagues, or family members.

I identify any book received from a publisher as such in my reviews, and receipt of a book from a publisher from a review does not guarantee a positive review. My blog is my own, and I write what I like.

comment and community guidelines
I shouldn't have to say it, but I will: Any abusive, derogatory, or personally insulting comments will be deleted. As owner of this site, I reserve the right to delete any comments or commenters whose negativity towards myself or others is not productive, constructive, and/or offered with kindness.

Any book I review in advance of publication is received from the publisher. I do not consider these books as payment, and receipt of a book from a publisher does not influence my final opinion of the book. While I've never accepted sponsored content in the past, any sponsored or paid promotional content on this site will be identified as such.

Any content originally written for another publication (generally Shelf Awareness for Readers) will be identified as such. The rest is my own. Which means I own it. Which means you cannot reproduce, re-use, or otherwise try to pass my writing off as your own without explicit written permission from yours truly. Not on some blog feed stealer, and not in your high school book report. Plagiarism is never cool.

All opinions on this blog and my personal social media channels are mine and mine alone, and do not reflect the opinions of my employers.


  1. How can I find the part about how the bookshelves were built? Thanks,

  2. May I use the review of Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson in our church newsletter - so that people will be interested in reading the book and come to book club? There is no advertising involved with our newsletter - it's just to keep church members informed. The review is fully credited to the writer and your website.
    Priscilla Hays

    1. Priscilla, thanks for checking. I didn't write a formal review of Just Mercy, but please feel free to quote/use what you'd like as long as it is credited back to this site ( I hope your church book club gets great participation; it's an incredible book in so many ways!


Thanks for stopping by!