#24in48: Master Post

It's here! It's here! Rachel's 24 in 48 readathon is upon us, and I am all geared up for a weekend of reading (with a side of yoga, brunch and a dinner party, because despite my best efforts, I did not succeed in keeping my weekend entirely free of plans). As with my most recent readathon, I'll be tracking my progress on Tumblr and linking to posts here throughout the weekend. I'll also be tweeting about my progress using the hashtag #24in48; follow me @ofabookworm.

Ready, set, go!

The Starting Line
10:15 AM: Mid-Morning Update, I need a snack.
12:39 PM: Midday, Lexicon is as good as everyone said it would be
11:30 PM: End of Day 1, and well shy of 24 hours

(during which I was away from my computer most of the day)
(and spent what time I did have near my computer with my nose in Night Film)
(meaning I only have one update from all of Day 2)
9:15 PM: Home Stretch

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