The Passage: A Sequel

Happy Friday! Happy Humidity! Happy HOP!

I can't believe summer is halfway gone; isn't that a scary thought? I'd like to politely ask Staples to stop pushing "Back-to-School" sales. I'm not even going back to school and that's scary to me.

While I'm requesting, I would like to ask that Justin Cronin hurry up and write the next two books in his trilogy, because I am DYING to read the sequel to The Passage.

I'm pretty patient when it comes to upcoming books. Ok, fine, I'm actually not actually patient when it comes to most anything, but I can usually get past this in the world of waiting for books because I know what follows will be worth the wait. But series books just do me in - I hate not knowing what comes next. I'm itching for the next book in the Wheel of Time series to come out - while taking my time with my re-read to get me through to the next release - and I'm dying for Justin Cronin to just hurry up and finish the second and third books in his trilogy. I waited until Girl Who Kicked a Hornet's Nest was out to consider reading the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - this way I don't have to wait for the next release.

Anyone else like this? Patient for single-volume books, but itching for the next volume of a series/sequel/part of the trilogy?

Many thanks to Jennifer at Crazy for Books for hosting the Book Blogger Hop each Friday. Welcome to new visitors, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi -- dropping in from the hop. I'm now following your blog.

    I have The Passage on my nook but haven't started it yet. It's not what I usually like to read but I've heard so many good things about it.

    I like the anticipation in waiting for the next installment of a series; part of me of course wants to get it right away, but isn't waiting sometimes half the fun?

  2. Hello - I hopped over! I love your musings.

    I have a twitter - kdurham2.

    I am excited to follow you along.

  3. New Follower, stopped by from the Hop. I like your blog name. I always get the words "etymology" and "entymology" confused, but they could both work in your blog title! :)

  4. I found you on the hop and became a follower. The Passage is in my TBR pile. I had no idea that there would be a sequel. Stop by my blog if you can. Have a great weekend.

  5. I so agree with you! I can't wait for #2 & 3! Have a great weekend-your loyal follower hopping by;)

  6. Checking in from the HOP! Stop by My Own Little Corner of the World when you get a chance! :)

  7. It is so TOUGH to wait for the next book from an author -- and I've heard so many amazing things on The Passage, that I'm considering waiting for the next one before I read this one!

  8. I have read so much on The Passage that it has to go on my TBR. When that will actually materialize into reading who knows!

  9. I completely agree. Reading is my drug of choice and I devoured The Passage in three days. The idea that there will be more is driving me NUTS! If I were any more obsessed I would kidnap Justin and make him write the sequel in my guest bedroom like the chick from Misery. LOL
    Mercifully, The girl with the dragon tattoo was a series I didn't discover until I saw the hornets nest, so that was fortunate. Those books = zombie like state of reading and ignoring everyone and one 24 hour reading session because I couldn't put the Girl Who Played With Fire down.
    Currently looking for new reads if you have any suggestions.

  10. Thanks to everyone stopping by from the hop!

    Suzanne - Maybe I'm just too impatient - I like to have the next book ASAP. The Harry Potter series nearly killed me, as I read the first one the year it came out and then waited for all six after that.

    Kritter - Thanks for following!

    Carin - Glad you like it. It's one of the few clever things I've come up with in the past few years :-)

    Loves2Read - I can't tell you enough how much you should read the Passage ASAP!

    Lisa - As always, thanks for stopping by.

    Coffee & a Book Chick and Mystica - Again, a must-read. An ASAP must-read. Although I understand wanting to wait until more of the trilogy is available...

    Hope Growers - I am hoping to start the Larsson trilogy this week if I find the time!

  11. Frankly--and I say this as someone with about 50 pages left to go in the Passage--I would advise people who haven't yet read the book to just WAIT until early 2012 to start--meaning hold off on reading it for the next ~16 months. That way, when you finish reading the first, you'll be able to jump right into the second.

  12. I loved the book, right up until the last page and just about screamed aaarrrrgggghhhh! I could not believe he ended the story like that. Now I see it's trilogy, and waiting for the sequel is killing me.

    Can't wait. Well don Mr. Cronin, I wish I could write like you do, it was a great read.


Thanks for stopping by!