A Few Updates

I've been at this blog for over a year now (shocking, really), and decided it was time to update a few things. First of all, the blogger platform has now added a pages option, meaning I can (and therefore have) created static pages. Links to these are across the top of the page, under the header. So... if you were wondering where those random words came from, now you know.

Also, I've given my labeling system an overhaul. With 125+ posts, this actually proved to be quite an undertaking. But hopefully now the labels will be more useful as comprehensive categories - if anyone has suggestions or feedback, I always love to hear it!

Lastly, I've started to Twitter, albeit hesitatingly. Oh, I guess Twitter is the noun... I should say I've started to Tweet? Anyway, you can follow my scarce posts on my Twitter page, if you're interested!

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