Read as You... (Quote of the Day)

"Read as you taste fruit or savor wine, or enjoy friendship, love or life." -George Holbrook Jackson
There is something to be said for quotes or sentiments that relate our passion to something considered universally beautiful. In this vein, I'm also including a quote below that I stole from my brother's Facebook page, of all places. He is in culinary school and loves food and cooking as much as - if not more than - I love books:
“Enchant, stay beautiful and graceful, but do this, eat well. Bring the same consideration to the preparation of your food as you devote to your appearance. Let your dinner be a poem, like your dress.” -Charles Pierre Monselet, French journalist
It's Sunday, which means most of us aren't working... why not spend today doing something you love?


  1. I love doing nothing, does that count?

    just kidding, your post makes a good point

  2. LOVE the quote. Thank you for the inspiration -- I think I might allow myself to dream a little today.

  3. Doing nothing DEFINITELY counts as something to love.

    And I hope you enjoyed your dreams. I had a nice nap on Bolt Bus and got some reading AND dreaming in... not the coziest Sunday afternoon, but fun nonetheless!


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