I've been reading more news lately...

... and I think the world is falling apart around us. First Egypt, now Libya. The earthquake, then the tsunami. The nuclear power plants failing, and Californians stocking up on anti-radiation medication. Gay marriage protests. Healthcare reform. Unions up in arms. Crazies with guns. Budget crises, again and again. And even more than that, we still can't seem to speak to each other like civilized human beings; instead, it's one biting comment after the next, one rant fired back at another.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. Maybe things will look up by the end of the day - it is Hump Day, after all - but I'm not convinced. I'm looking for reading suggestions to help put things in perspective. Any thoughts?


  1. This might explain why you don't read the news but it so doesn't excuse your woeful lack of pop culture knowledge. Reading suggestions: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Because until you read it I won't stop suggesting it.

  2. It's a sinking feeling. And I totally understand. The past couple of weeks have left my head spinning. I feel like there isn't much I can do - and I feel guilty for it. I've been reading The Book Thief, which highlights both and good and bad sides of civilization. It even has me laughing in bits. I'm also been crafting and baking for the people I care about. It makes me happy when they are. Hope you see some sunshine soon.

  3. I was thinking very similar things, Kerry. I have even turned off the NPR news for a couple of days. I think The Book Thief is fabulous - not always cheery, but uplifting in so many ways. I love it! Also, re-reading favorite childhood books is a way to leave the present behind for a bit - "The Secret Garden" is one of my favorites, or "A Winkle in Time." Hope things look up soon.

  4. Yeah, the news is pretty grim. I'll be interested to see what book suggestions you get. I was wondering about some Japanese themed ones like Memoirs of a Geisha? It might be time for me to brew some green tea and give that one a re-read.

  5. Whenever I feel like this, I turn to fantasy. Makes sense, doesn't it? If the LoTR is too much of a commitment right now, maybe The Hobbit? Or something by Patricia McKillip? Or Naria?

  6. Whoops, that's supposed to be Narnia. :)


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