September Is Library Card Sign-Up Month

Point taken: every cause known to man now has a month. Some are just downright absurd, but other warrant pause. September, for example, is not only Roald Dahl Month, it's also Library Card Sign Up Month. Though I'd argue that the ALA is desperately in need of a catchier title for this event, I'd also say it's a worthy cause - there's nothing like owning a library card.

Disagree? Don't worry - the ALA has already come up with 52 Ways to Use Your Library Card (one for every week of the year!).

If you don't already have a library card, or have one and just don't use it, maybe it's time to reconsider. If not for checking out books(I'm too much of a book collector-verging-on-hoarder to stomach the idea of returning a book after I've read it), don't forget about other library services:

Free internet, for when your overpriced internet service provider craps out. Again. I'm talking to you, Comcast.

Audiobooks, the perfect companion for travel and commutes. Do you get nauseous reading on the bus? Me too. I check out digital audiobooks from my local library and have them on my iPod for most Bolt Bus adventures. Commute an hour to work? Me too. I have multiple books-on-CD in my car to keep me entertained, with the added bonus of making me almost glad I missed that green light, so I have extra time in the car to find out what happened.

DVDs. This collection will vary depending on library budgets, which are subject to drastic cuts, but most libraries do have some sort of DVD collection. And free is infinitely better than whatever Blockbuster charges these days.

Book recommendations. In a book rut? Ask the experts. Librarians are way smart. I should know, my cousin is one (almost).

Ebooks, although it can be a bit tricky to get the formatting to work properly.

Clean public restrooms. 'Nough said.

And that, dear friends, is my ode to libraries. What am I missing?


  1. my library offers guest speakers, free classes, book clubs, and summer programs for kids and teens.

    i love my library card but always manage to rack up double digit fines because i forget to return my books!! :)

  2. I'm a book collector, too, but I love the library! I, um, actually have my library card number memorized. (Yes, I'm that big of a nerd.)

  3. Nat - Mine offers classes and seminars as well, though I admit I don't take advantage as much as I should! And I've gotten better about the fines since I figured out how to renew online (really, since I remembered my PIN to renew online!)

    Emily - Mine starts with 21997... but I can't get any farther than that. :-)


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