Checking in on Challenges

It's the last week of January already (how did that happen, exactly!?) and those of us on the East Coast are desperately longing for beaches and warm weather (well I am, at any rate). As the month draws to a close, both Clean Your Reader and Jazz Age January will be wrapping up:

Clean Your Reader

I had hoped to read 5+ ebooks from my collected, accumulated ebooks, but I'm only at 3 so far. I may squeeze one more (short one!) in this week to round out at four, but that depends on workloads and the like. How are the rest of you doing? Any last-minute pushes for a few more ebooks? (I'll be posting a final link-up at the end of the month.)

Jazz Age January

Like Clean Your Reader, I had better intentions for this challenge, but I'm not entirely disappointed with what I've read so far. The time-period focus finally got me to pick up Eve in Hollywood, though I realized after I started it that it was really set in the 30s, not the 20s (it's the thought that counts, though, right?). I read an ARC of Dorothy Parker Drank Here, a story set in modern times using the premise that Dorothy Parker's very real ghost still haunts the Algonquin Hotel. And the short e-book I may still try to squeeze in this week is The Great Gatsby (which I own in multiple formats, e-book included, and tend to re-read every year or two anyway).


Despite the fact that both the TBR 2015 Challenge and the Read Harder Challenge last all year, not just the month of January, I've actually made a few dents there as well:

2015 TBR Challenge

Completed Getting Things Done, picking up Daring Greatly next (not all my picks are self-help/business books, but they seemed fitting for the start of a new year...)

Read Harder Challenge

Books completed:

  • Find Me, by Laura Van Den Berg (book published this year)
  • Getting Things Done, by David Allen (self-help)
  • In the Woods, by Tana French (book that someone recommended to you)
  • (currently reading) Trigger Warning, by Neil Gaiman (short story collection)


Are you participating in any challenges this year? If so, how's it going?

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