Happy New Year!

2014 was quite a year. It was the year I realized I didn't want to be what I was on track to be when I grew up, the year I quit my job because of that, the year I started a new career path in the non-profit sector, the year my husband and I decided to relocate to a new town and the year we bought our first house. The year I recklessly and gloriously took a month of unpaid leave to travel around Europe.

The year I read Tiny Beautiful Things until the spine cracked, looking for answers and comfort and advice in the words of strangers, the year I opened my eyes back up to the world of comics and graphic novels and found there a wealth of stories I'd never known existed, the year I decided to read more classics (again) and failed miserably (again), the year I tried to read War and Peace (again) and failed miserably (again), the year I stopped running and vowed to start it up (again), the year I spent a month eating no alcohol, grains, dairy, or sugar and lived to tell the tale. The year I lived with my father and got to know him in a way so different from how I knew him as a child; the year I first watched Dead Poets Society; the year I learned how terrible the world can be (again) and yet how amazing it is to watch people come together (again).

Bring it on, 2015. There's a lot we can do better this time around, but that doesn't mean you don't have big shoes to fill.

What are you all doing to celebrate today? Happy to see 2014 go? Looking forward to 2015?


  1. This is such a great post, Kerry. Cheers to 2015 and all it has to offer!

  2. What a beautiful year it has been.

  3. I'm SO happy to see 2014 go. Are you looking forward to a year of probably fewer changes in 2015? Even when the changes are nothing but good, it can be such a stress to undergo them.

  4. Funny you should mention that, because yes, as wonderful as all of the changes of 2014 were for me, I'm really looking forward to settling into this "new" life in 2015. I need some deep breathing and some status quo for a bit before I go upheaving everything again.

    Hope 2015 is good to you!

  5. Thank you! Cheers to you as well!

  6. It has! A bit crazy at times. 2015 should be a good one too, I hope.

  7. I love this post so much. I hope my 2015 will be as filled with risk-taking, big decisions, and changes as your 2014 was.

  8. Thanks, Leah. I'm sending all the positive vibes your way for 2015!


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