This Week In Reading: Monday, January 12th

I'm moving on Thursday, which means most of my spare time has been spent painting rooms, packing things, and driving back and forth from our new house to our old house to get things set up. This has seriously diminished my reading time, and I expect it will continue to do so this week, but I'm still working on some gems as I go:

Find Me, by Laura Van Den Berg (out in February): I've long heard good things about Van Den Berg's short story collections, though I've yet to read either, and her novel is proving just as lovely as I'd hoped it would be. I only made it 12 pages in last night before the Tylenol PM kicked in (painting gives me headaches), but I'm already hooked on her writing style. | Book Riot Read Harder Challenge (Book Published This Year)

Getting Things Done, by David Allen: I've joked for years that the first thing I need to get done is actually read Getting Things Done. I can't believe I waited this long; this book is a list-lover's dream, and I'm already nerding out thinking about the amazing GTD system I'm going to set up in my home office just as soon as we move... | Book Riot Read Harder Challenge (Self-Help task), 2015 TBR Challenge

Eve in Hollywood, by Amor Towles: I picked this up for #JazzAgeJan, though realized after starting it that it is set in the 30s, not the 20s. Oh well--it's the thought that counts, right? While I didn't love this as much as Rules of Civility (it would be hard to do that, after all), it was fun to jaunt down Eve's storyline after her NYC exit, and Towles has a way with storytelling that comes through crystal clear in this novella.  | Clean Your Reader Challenge, Jazz Age January

Broken Harbour, by Tana French: I'm hooked on French's atmospheric mysteries, and Broken Harbour on audio has been my companion on the hour-long drive from old house to new as I truck back and forth getting things ready to move. This week, I'll remember my headphones when I go to paint so I have something to think about besides how much I truly hate edging a room.

Despite loving several of the books I've picked up this year, I've got two on the might-not-finish stack: The Monopolists, by Mary Pilon (which is interesting, but feeling too academic for my move-soaked brain) and Dorothy Parker Drank Here, which I may have appreciated more if I was more familiar with Parker's works and life before picking it up. Verdict is still out on both--I'm taking a wait-and-see-if-they-call-to-me-again approach here.

What are you reading this week? How are your challenges (if you're doing any) going so far?


  1. Good luck with all the house stuff! And you're already tapping away at the Read Harder challenge! Good job!

  2. I'm so impressed with the amount you're reading on top of the house stuff. Well done, you!

    I've been torn on reading the Tana French books. The Irish setting intrigues me, but I generally don't care for the way thrillers make my heart race. I sleep poorly for nights after reading books like that.

  3. Haha, thanks! It doesn't feel like much but when I list them all out, I guess it's not a bad showing after all.

    I'm the same way with thrillers, generally, but I find French's are subtle enough that I don't get too sleepless over them; the suspense is generally more about what happened way back when, or what might have happened, rather than what's happening right this instance. The Likeness reminded me a lot of Tartt's The Secret History, if you've read that.

  4. Thanks! It's been fun seeing what I'm reading and how it fits into various challenges.

  5. Find Me sounds fantastic, and I also need to read Getting Things Done. Good luck with the move!


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