Great Bookmark Friday

Who doesn't love a good bookmark? Here are some to mark your places in all that weekend reading - Happy Friday!

For all those hot and heavy romances, or any book on fire! (From Perpetual Kid, $3.99)

For the practical in all of us, a bookmark dictionary. (From B&N, $39.99)

Book reviews on a bookmark. Share your thoughts as you read! (From Fred Flare, $7 for the set)

Perfect for horror novels, no? (From ThinkGeek, $11.99.)


  1. Fantastic! Utterly brilliant! I love bookmarks. I have previously used a train ticket from a ticket machine that failed to print properly. It had the word VOID printed on it in big letters, odd but fun.

  2. What a fun assortment of bookmarks! The bloody one would be perfect for a horror book.

  3. These are also some of the coolest things I have ever seen in the world of books.


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