Let the Holidays Begin!: Gift Ideas for Booklovers & Bookworms

Really, friends, where did the fall go? I mean, I know I was off getting married and all, but I feel like it has absolutely disappeared, and now it is the week after Thanksgiving and officially time to turn our attention to the holidays. Christmas just so happens to be my favorite holiday of the year, and cheesy as it might be, I absolutely love the gift-giving part. Everyone likes the receiving bit, I know, but I enjoy that hunt for the perfect item...

So, with that in mind, I'm launching into some bookish gift recommendations for the booklovers and bookworms on your list. A future post will contain recommendations for the not-yet booklovers and bookworms we all know and hope to convert.

The Great Penguin Bookchase - I have yet to find this one in American dollars, but it is available for shipping to the US for a approximately $25, give or take a few bucks based on fluctuating exchange rates. Still, what better than a Penguin-themed board game for those of us who hoard books with coordinating spines? I mean... we all do that, right?

Or how about some book-themed scents? Paddywax's Library Collection boasts a series of perfumes, candles, and sprays inspired by our favorite authors. The presentation is topped off with a noteable quote, although the images are too small to see what these might be. I'm itching to smell the Poe scents, myself. Hint, hint.

CB I Hate Perfume also features an In the Library collection, available as perfume or room spray. One very clever and wonderful friend gave us the room spray as a wedding gift, and I have delighted in spraying it all over the house this past month. It really does smell like old book stacks. Delightful.

And a re-use from one of my Great Friday posts, books made into purses are the perfect way to carry your hobby around with you for all the world to see - literally. While a little part of me cringes at the idea of removing the pages of a book - essentially destroying it - I do love these little bags, available from Rebound Designs or through the Rebound Designs Etsy shop. Sadly, I won't add one to my own collection for the simple fact that I carry entirely too many things with me to fit them inside one book. Even the Complete Shakespeare Collection.

Still looking for more ideas? Check out my recommendations for fun bookends. We all need something to keep those teetering shelves in order, after all:

Great Bookends Friday (part 1)
Great Bookends Friday (part 2)

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