Game of Thrones App

It's apparently Game of Thrones week here. Sorry for all you non-fantasy fans, but I've been salivating over the next George R. R. Martin book for years. Seriously. The Song of Ice and Fire series has been stalled, and it's finally - finally! - moving forward again. I. Cannot. Wait.

But I ramble. I meant to tell you Martin fans about an app to supplement your reading. (or re-reading) of the Song of Ice and Fire series. Yes, there's an app for that.

Mind you, I've never read a book with an app supplement, but in this case, I'm intrigued. The series is complex, with characters overlapping, family trees intersecting, and power changing hands every five pages. Not to mention the history. There's tons of it. So as we all start re-reading to gear up for the Game of Thrones miniseries on HBO and the release of Dance of Dragons in July, this here seems to be a tool for keeping us company. And on track.

Characters, glossary, maps? The perfect refresher for those of us who have been out of the loop - and out of the series - for too long. Once I wrap up my re-read of The Wheel of Time (I'm up to Book 11 of 13), I'll be delving back into Song of Ice and Fire. And I'll be doing so with app in hand.


  1. I haven't read any of this author's work but have heard so much about him recently because of the HBO series coming out soon. I'm really going to have to read them soon!!

  2. I think you'll plow through it. The books are long - and dense! - but engaging. I took a lot of family-tree type notes when I read for the first time; I think the app would have been incredibly helpful.

  3. Hodor is the new Siri:


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