Connu: Short Stories for You

More than one outlet declared 2013 the year for the return of the short story; the New York Times' January declaration that George Saunders' The Tenth of December was "the best book you'll read all year" just set the tone for a year of short story collection after short story collection.

And at the end of the year, Connu launched its iPhone beta, only further cementing 2013 as the year of the short story.

In 2011,Connu founders Susannah Lithi and Nithi Perian asked the question, "Is it possible to create a place where readers can feel like they have their fingers on the pulse of what's happening in fiction?"

The answer was Connu, a website and app that curates short story content reading for people on the go. Connu provides daily short stories to subscribers--but not just any stories. These are tales selected by the bestselling writers of today, giving readers a heads up for new talent to look for tomorrow. The stories range in length, content and style, but all are chosen to given readers a glimpse into the contemporary literature scene that can otherwise be completely overwhelming.

Story selections include Brandon Williams' "Last Fortune Cookie on Earth," selected by Susan Straight; Cindy House's "Girls Like You," selected by David Sedaris; and Daniel Lanza's "Hilmar," selected by Jonathan Lethem--among many, many others. I read most, if not all, of the stories sent my way, and have yet to come across one I haven't enjoyed.

Since it was launched in November of 2013, Connu has continued to expand; in addition to reading the stories selected, readers can now also listen to the stories read by their authors. iPhone users can download the Connu app in the iTunes store, and while there's no word yet on an Android version, Android (or... Windows phone?) users can still read the stories on the impressively mobile-friendly Connu website.

Download the iPhone app now, or read (or listen) online. And be sure to follow Connu on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr for updates from the team.


Disclaimer: I was an original backer of Connu's Kickstarter campaign, but have no affiliation with the company.  I just think it's pretty freaking cool.


  1. Oh, thanks for sharing Connu! I think it's an interesting idea and I love the design of the app. A little sad since it's not available for Android (hopefully it's in the works!) but I'll definitely check the mobile site out.

    1. I have an Android device as well and have had absolutely no issues reading on the mobile site instead of in an app. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. I fully support Connu. Not only is it an awesome concept and app, but one of my stories will be published on there soon! :) Thank you for sharing! I've read a lot of really amazing stories on there so far.


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