Nonfiction November: New to My TBR

After a month of McSlumpsALot over here, the last thing I needed were more titles to add to my TBR. Not that that's ever stopped me before, and it certainly didn't stop me this time around. There have been some amazing collections of nonfiction titles floating around out there for Nonfiction November. Some that stood out to me:

Alice + Freda Forever, by Alexis Coe: So, so interested in this.

Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson: Shannon at River City Reading had lots to say about this one, which has it immediately added to my list. Add to that the fact that it seems to blend with my own reading list on poverty in the United States--something that can rarely, if ever, be entirely removed from our justice system--and I am all over it.

The Good Girls Revolt, by Lynn Povich: Florinda at the 3 R's Blog pulled this nonfiction review out of her archives, and boy am I glad she did. The story of how 46 Newsweek women filed an EEOC complaint for systematic discrimination against them in the workplace sounds so important (I'd never even heard of the case!) and relevant to our continued discussions about feminism and equality.

Pro, by Katha Pollitt: Another shout-out to Shannon of River City Reading for this one, which she called the best piece of nonfiction she'd read this year at the start of Nonfiction November. That's enough for me, but combined with the subject matter (the subtitle is "Reclaiming Abortion Rights"), I just can't resist.

The Crimes of Paris, by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler: Trish at Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity noted that despite the clunkiness of some of this book, the subject matter--crimes in Paris, of course--was fascinating enough to make it worth it. I'm learning how much I love true crime (and I'm always fascinated by Parisian history), so this went on the list.

The Restless Sleep, by Stacy Horn: Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness nominated this one for a Nonfiction November readalong that I promptly signed up for and then didn't participate in. I'd never heard of the book before, but I have it from the library waiting for me to read just as soon as I get some reading motivation.

Lives in Ruins, by Marilyn Johnson: Leah at Books Speak Volumes reviewed this one, and I love finding books on compelling but slightly obscure subjects that don't usually find a spotlight--like archaeology.


What books did you discover during Nonfiction November? Or what books did I not discover that I should have?


  1. I'm dying to read Just Mercy and Pro as well. Thanks for linking to my review of Lives in Ruins!

  2. My tbr list is constantly increasing in length, no matter how much I read, but I like that. It's comforting knowing that I will never ever run out of books to read.

  3. Emma @ Words And PeaceNovember 25, 2014 at 12:31 AM

    The Crimes of Paris is on my TBR. Right now I'm listening to The Innovators, awesome, by Isaacson

  4. I finished reading Lives in Ruins this month and it's great, so I can recommend that one as well! I definitely think Just Mercy would fit in with your reading list and I'd love to see what you think of it.

  5. Good Girls Revolt is fabulous. And I'm nearly done with Just Mercy on audio which is inspiring and I can't put it down!}

  6. Adding them all to my TBR. So glad you posted the recommendations!


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