#24in48: On Your Mark, Get Set...

We're coming up to the next round of the 24in48 Readathon, y'all! The goal: read for 24 hours over a 48-hour period (midnight on Friday to midnight on Sunday). 

Yours truly is excited to be back to co-host with Kristen and Rachel this time around, and while that means I'll be spending more time writing/social media-ing/monitoring than reading, I'm still so, so excited to tackle some of the books in my TBR and get a bit of non-assigned reading in.

Most of my books are packed up and ready for our upcoming move, but I did set aside a small stack for the readathon (and have a fully-stocked e-reader and a phone full of audiobooks):

If you're not signed up already, what on earth are you waiting for!? We've got a boatload of amazing prizes, over 1300 readers participating around the world, and I'll personally guarantee it will be loads of fun. 

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