Telephone Boxes

When was the last time you used a pay phone? When was the last time you even needed a pay phone? Cell phones have pretty much completely extinguished any need for this once practical device. Sadly, here in the US we eliminated the "telephone box" decades ago, leaving us with now-defunct little three-sided booths on street corners that make the perfect place to leave an empty Starbucks cup or hang some change to a homeless guy hiding from the wind.

The UK, however, was smart enough to keep their very-retro-looking red telephone boxes (they even call them telephone boxes!), and now have a much more interesting piece of street furniture to find new uses for. My personal favorite? A community library. Apparently those "little" red boxes are big enough to hold a few hundred volumes... check out the full BBC article here.

Personally, if I had a red telephone box, I would make it a little reading nook. One bean bag chair, a few pillows, a little corner shelf for phone (strange that I need a spot for my cell phone in my reading nook within a phone booth?), cuppa tea, etc. Any other ideas for a red telephone box?

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