Books Do Furnish My Home

“What better place to kill time than a library? And for me, what better way to get to know someone than her choice and treatment of books?” - The Thirteenth Tale

Hop on over to BiblioBuffet this week for my guest column on my own choice and treatment of books, and what my library says about me as a reader.


  1. I think you can tell a lot from someone by the books that they read.

  2. I love that article - really beautiful and well thought through. It makes me wonder what I am telling people. I have to full book cases with the books neatly stacked. One in the living room and on ein the bedroom because there isn't space for it in the living room. I also have a chest full of books in the bedroom and cardboard boxes full of books in the corner of the dining room. It proably tells people I love to read but have a space shortage!

    It is all fictino without exception - I hope that doesn't tell people I don't care about the world. I just like to escape from it for a little while.

  3. Becky - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the article. And I agree with you on just wanting to escape for a while into the world of fiction. I think that's why I like fantasy novels as much as I do. Although one of my goals for this year is to read a larger selection of non-fiction, too.


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