The Borrowers Arrive on BBC

Does anyone else remember The Borrowers, that darling book in which little people live in the walls of a house and borrow items from the owners? I'd say it offers a perfectly plausible explanation for all those items that seem to disappear from my house for no apparent reason: an earring back, one sock, the tweezers, that rubber band band you know you left on your desk. Seriously, borrowers. Where is my rubber band ball?

I loved this book when I was a kid, and I vaguely remember loving the 1997 movie version featuring John Goodman. And now BBC is bringing the stories to the little screen with a 90-minute adaptation of The Borrowers set to air this Christmas season. Who's excited!?


  1. Do you remember the cartoon The Littles from the 80's? I wonder if it was based off of the idea of The Borrowers.

  2. I loved this series as a kid too: the covers too!

  3. I loved the TV series that came before the film, with Penelope Wilton and Ian Holme...

  4. Yes Kerry, I remember those ....

  5. Aw! With Christopher Eccleston and Stephen Fry! I am excited! I am!

  6. Excellent! This is one of my absolute faves from when I was a little girl and my copy is now falling to bits...

  7. Even more exciting, I was going through the fall book release catalogues at the store the other day, and they're coming out with a lovely box set of The Borrower's books! Actually, I think the covers are like the one you've posted. I think it's from Houghton Mifflin, but I can't remember for sure. Wait, here, though no picture:

  8. I love this book. My mother used to read it to me all the time when I was a child. I once told my mom that one of the borrowers stole my stuff.

  9. Recommended for families with children ages five and older, The Borrowers explores the definition of home, through a teenage journey to discover independence. Representing a world of characters just five inches tall, the stage is set to make the audience feel tiny in a massive world. Director Whit MacLaughlin merges the big and small onto one stage with this family classic, just in time for the holidays.


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