An Impatient Reader: 2012 Titles I Can't WAIT to Read

For those of you who don't know me personally, I am not a particularly patient person. For those that do know me... well, you know. I have a tendency to get overexcited about the things I love, including, but not limited to: baby giraffes at the Bronx Zoo, baby lions at the National Zoo, Christmas, getting the cupcakes out of the oven, seeing my niece, and books. Not necessarily in that order.

But I digress. What I'm trying to say is that I am currently anxiously awaiting each of the following books, scheduled to be published in 2012, and when I saw "anxiously," I mean "if I talk about these any more my husband is going to buy soundproofing headphones and tune me out."

The Twelve by Justin Cronin (final cover not available): I have been dying - DYING - to read this since I read The Passage in 2010. Two years, we've waited! I posted about my eagerness to read this sequel once, twice, three times a charm. July 2012, here we come.

A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (final cover not available): I'm sensing a series theme here, I know, but I've read all of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books twice in preparation for the final volumes of the now-fourteen-book series (it was originally slated to be twelve, but Jordan passed away, and the final book became three volumes because of the mass of content to include). It will be bittersweet to finish the series, and know that there is no more coming, but I have waited my entire teenage and adult life for this book. Impatience doesn't even begin to describe my anticipation. No pressure, Brandon Sanderson. No pressure.

Girl Reading by Katie Ward: Debuting in the US next year, this one is said to be similar to The Girl with a Pearl Earring, which I listened to earlier this year and really enjoyed. I'm intrigued by the title here, of course, and also the praise it has already received in the UK.

In One Person by John Irving: I'm ashamed to say I've read only one Irving novel (The World According to Garp), and never even reviewed it. But I loved it, with a big piece of my readerly heart, so much so that I'm right there on the bandwagon in itching to get my hands on his new novel, a first-person narrative of a 60-year-old bisexual man. And since it's out in May, I have five months to catch up on some more of his backlist.

So, that's what I have on my mind as I look at the year of reading ahead of me. Want to take bets on how many I'll read? What about you, what are you excited for in 2012?


  1. I, too, am so excited about The Twelve! The Passage is one of my favorites :)

  2. Bring on July!! I'm ready for The Twelve, too.

  3. I have The Passage on my TBR list for this year so I'm glad to hear that it's pretty good. Also, I've read a lot of Irving. And have enjoyed most. :)

  4. I am ALL about The Twelve. I freakin' loved The Passage and cannot wait. Girl Reading looks really interesting too. I hadn't heard of this one, so I'll have my eye out.

  5. I am excited to see John Irving has a new one out. His Cider House Rules and a Widow for One Year are both really good if you are looking for some of his backlist.

  6. Hey, it just occurred to me to say: have you read Susan Vreeland's Girl in Hyacinth Blue? I found it a very close readalike match to Girl with a Pearl Earring (even aside from the titles!! really). And thanks for the head's up on Girl Reading! All these Girls!

  7. Who doesn't get ridiculously excited about baby giraffes? That's crazy-talk. :)

    I'm not all *that* excited about the new John Irving novel, because I haven't yet found the "right" one of his books to fit with my reading taste, but I am definitely intrigued by the chatter about this new title; I want to check it out for myself, and might finally get through a couple of his that I've made multiple attempts at, in the meantime.

    Hope your 2012 expectations are all exceeded!


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