On Reading Anna Karenina

I went into Anna Karenina expecting the worst, though I'd be hard-pressed to explain what, exactly, I meant by "the worst." Difficult sentence structure? Long, rambling paragraphs? Unnecessary chapters? Impossible-to-navigate plot?

Imagine my surprise, then, when Anna Karenina turned out to be relatively... simple? Yes, it's long, weighing in at 800+ pages, and yes, there are some long rambling paragraphs and one entire section that felt dedicated to Levin and his damn farm theory, but the novel itself did not prove difficult in any particular way. I actually found it took more brain power to read a paragraph of Emma than of Anna Karenina (apparently I'm on a books-with-women's-names-as-the-title kick), though I ultimately enjoyed Anna Karenina more.

For those who don't already know, Anna Karenina centers on--you guessed it!--Anna Karenina, a married aristocrat who finds herself taken with a young Russian soldier and quickly becomes the talk of the town. But then in addition to this story, there is Levin, a stumbling gentleman who is hopelessly in love with Kitty (for reasons I can never understand, because I found her perfectly annoying throughout the entire novel). There are several other side stories as well, with brothers and brothers-in-law and sisters and friends and I think an aunt and maybe some cousins?

But the main beauty of Anna Karenina, and perhaps the reason it has persisted so long in our American awareness, is its continual importance despite the changing times. Tolstoy raises crucial questions about the education of the lower classes, the importance of government programs, the corruption of government offices, the rights of women, and--perhaps most important in Anna Karenina's sad tale--the hypocrisy of society in its treatment of men vs. women.

There is not much I can say about Tolstoy's great work that has not already been said; scholars far more dedicated and educated than myself have spent entire careers studying the work. But for those intimidated by its size, or its length, or its reputation, I can say this--don't be. Read it. Read it and you will find that not only are you struck by how accessible the story truly is, and how relevant even in modern times, but you are touched by the poignancy with which Tolstoy writes of love and regret and pain and joy and the kindness and cruelty of individuals to one another.

But don't read the introduction first, even though it is in the beginning of the book, especially in this edition, because it will give away the entire story without you even knowing what's happening.

So... who's excited for the movie?


Thoughts from other bookworms:

Loving Books
The New Dork Review of Books
James Meek: Re-reading Anna Karenina


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Why Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina transcends the ages
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This marks one more book for the Classics Club, as well as a book translated from its original language for the 2012 Back to the Classics Challenge.


Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy, trans. Richard Peaver & Larissa Volokhonsky | orig. published 1877 | 817 pages | Buy from an independent near you


  1. I'm always worried, with any classic, that the story really won't be accessible. If it's not that doesn't mean it's not an IMPORTANT BOOK that should be read, but it certainly makes it harder to actually get up the nerve to read it. However this one I may check out. And I will make sure to avoid all intros!

    1. I definitely worry the same thing, and a part of me wonders if my not finding this book as difficult as its reputation suggests it is means I missed something (readerly anxiety, much?). But I really did enjoy it, and though there are some slow parts (if you do read it, just trust that it's worth it to power through Part III and the farm theory!), I found that most of it really resonated.

    2. I have that same anxiety! If I enjoyed the story and it wasn't a slog to get through I obviously missed the DEEP and IMPORTANT thoughts in it.

      If/when I do read this, I'm going to make a note that says "just make it through Part III" so I remember even if that part is lame, it's OK cos it will end and get better.

    3. So glad I am not alone!

      And yes, Part III (I think it was Part III) with Levin and his farm theory is the slowest. Parts I and II are great, and after Part III it picks back up. I hope you read and enjoy it!

  2. I'm so glad you wrote those first sentences. I've been wanting to read Anna Karenina a long time but figured it would be an incredibly difficult, long read. Of course it is still long, but it's great to hear that it's not difficult. Now that a new movie's coming out, I really want to read it and knowing that it's fairly simple (for an 800+ page book) makes me much more eager to pick it up. Nice review!

    1. I'm so glad I can allay some of the fears that seem to surround this book! It is definitely long, so can still feel daunting in that respect. I read it along with a friend of mine, and we regrouped every week or so to talk about the Parts we had just read, which really helped keep it moving along (and to keep me reading even when I got to the slow parts!).

  3. I loved Kitty and Levin and that story line. Man, AK was so selfish though wasn't she? Poster child for a present-day wealthy woman on prozac.

    And yeah? The farm talk....oyvey.

  4. I stalled at about 1/3 of the way through, but I keep vowing that someday I will pick it back up.


  5. I'm so glad you posted this! I've been eyeing my copy of AK only to keep passing it over for the very same reasons. It's time to get over my apprehensions and read it already.

  6. I had the same intimidated feeling about this book, and was really surprised as well by just how accessible it is! Yes, the farm theory was a bit slow... but I also had trouble following along with some of the political talk. But overall, I loved it and expect to read it again someday! -Sarah

  7. I had the same intimidated feeling about this book, and was really surprised as well by just how accessible it is! Yes, the farm theory was a bit slow... but I also had trouble following along with some of the political talk. But overall, I loved it and expect to read it again someday! -Sarah

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