The Grapes of Wrath Readalong: One Part Crazy, Another Part Thrilled

Yesterday, I stumbled into a Grapes of Wrath Readalong over at Devouring Texts, and even though the sane part of my brain said not to, I decided to join.

I am one part this:

And one part this:

The Grapes of Wrath is on my list of potential books to read to complete one of the final categories of the Back to the Classics Challenge, and there are some really great participants... so how could I say no? It's like it was destiny.

The only Steinbeck I've read that I actually remember is East of Eden. I know I read Of Mice and Men in middle school (high school?) and that it was sad. Really, really, really sad. But this is my first pass at Grapes of Wrath, and despite the fact that it is one of Steinbeck's most famous novels, I'm ashamed to say I know very little about it. Except that the dude on the cover of my Penguin edition is kind of a stud, and that the book is set during the Great Depression, and therefore I expect it to be great and depressing.

Forward, ho! Reactions to Chapters 1-11 to come next week.


  1. I'm so glad you're joining this!! Your gifs are excellent.

    I'm afraid of this being super depressing or boring. We shall see

    1. I am afraid of both of those things too. But also hopeful that I will end up loving this as much as East of Eden. So I'm a combination of "This book looks terrifying" and "It will be the best book ever" which is obviously a recipe for success. ...right?

  2. GIFs?? The use of 'dude'? You obviously fit in right away.

  3. Hehehe I love the minions!

    Great and depressing would be good... I'm hoping for at least "doesn't bore me so much that eventually I start skimming instead of reading".

    1. Agreed! I don't have the energy to slog through a boring book. Really hoping this one isn't :-)

  4. Agree entirely with Alice up there- you fit right in! And you'll love Grapes! Probably. Hopefully. Either that or you'll never EAT Grapes again because you're so scarred by this book!

    1. Bahaha I certainly hope not the latter! But I keep thinking of that photo of "Wrathful Grapes" that one of the participants posted (and I've of course now forgotten who it was). Too fun.

  5. What a happy accident to stumble into a Grapes of Wrath readalong that encourages GIFs. This sort of things doesn't happen every day. Glad to have you aboard!

  6. Minions! Oh god, I love that gif! I know nothing about The Grapes of Wrath and I've never done a readalong before, but I have a great feeling it's going to be tons of fun even if the book makes us all cry ;)


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