Entomology of a Bookworm Got Tumbl'ed

I'm just diving into the great, wide world of Tumblr, and looking for blogs to follow. Who of you are there? Who's got recommendations? Books? Reading? Feminism? Dr. Who? Harry Potter? Inspirational images? Quotes? What are your favorites? Who should I be following?

Come follow me on Tumblr for more books, reading life, Dr. Who/David Tennant, Sherlock Holmes, and other beautiful things. I'll be migrating short-form content over there (photos, quotes, the like), but will continue long-form reviews and commentary on the reading life here. At least that's my working plan, which of course will continue to morph as I continue to write. (Note to self: Must work on that "continuing to write" thing.)


  1. I'm following you on Tumblr now! I have a Tumblr, but I've been super lazy about using it... I should really make more of an effort, lol. I mainly just log onto Tumblr to see what other people have posted and hunt for GIFs :/


  2. I have a Tumblr, but it has been so long that I don't even know the password anymore. Note to self: check out your Tumblr. Should I give it another try? Don't know, but I will check yours out!


Thanks for stopping by!