Adding Value: No Good Duke Playing Cards

I've never been a huge romance reader (though I do love me some Outlander), but I'm always a fan of authors and indies teaming up to do really cool things for readers. In the midst of the to-Amazon-or-not-to-Amazon debate, it's refreshing to see ideas that make the argument moot, giving readers unique benefits that can't be obtained on Amazon (just like Amazon gives the unique benefit of deep discounts that generally can't be obtained in brick-and-mortar stores).

This week's excellent idea: book-themed playing cards for the first 500 readers to pre-order Sarah MacLean's upcoming book, No Good Duke Goes Unpunished, from MacLean's indie, WORD in Brooklyn.
Image from Sarah MacLean's webpage.

The playing cards are on top of the MacLean gift-giving extravaganza that apparently happens every December, when those wishing to gift any of MacLean's titles to friends, family (or themselves) can order from WORD and receive not only an autographed copy of the book, but bookmarks, postcards and other goodies.

I have one of MacLean's earlier novels on my Nook waiting to be read (A Rogue by Any Other Name, the first in her Rules of Scoundrels series), and just seeing this promotion makes me want to pick it up sooner than later.

What are the best indie-only promotions you've seen?


  1. OH, that is SUCH a cool idea! Why don't more publishers / bookstores do this? Video game stores always offer extra goodies for pre-ordering games, it just makes sense for bookstores to do the same. Even the big ones, like B&N. I would absolutely pre-order books more often if I knew I got something out of it. I think the ones books I've ever pre-ordered / reserved were the HP books.

    1. Agreed, I've never been a huge pre-orderer, but promotions like this or like GameStop does for new games would totally change that.

  2. Cool idea! By the way, I like your new page design....very clean and easy to read.

  3. What a cool idea, I love it! (Not that I need inducement to read Sarah MacLean. I'm already very fond of her.)

    1. I have one of her books on my Nook and definitely intend to get to it sooner than later (said so many bookworms, about so many books).


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