The 2014 TBR Challenge

As I prepare for another great year of reading, I'm looking back at some of my reading goals for 2013 and noting that I particularly fell down in my goal of reading books I already own. I'm constantly distracted by the new shiny book on the shelves of the bookstores and libraries I haunt, and I'm collecting books at a rate far higher than I could ever hope to read.

So to focus my efforts a bit in 2014, I'm signing up for Roof Beam Reader's 5th annual TBR Challenge, with the goal of reading 12 books I already own in the 12 months of 2014. This should not be that hard, right?

On my list:

1) Stoner, by John Williams
2) The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway
3) A Room of One's Own, by Virginia Woolf
4) The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
5) Fear of Flying, by Erica Jong
6) Everything Beautiful Began After, by Simon Van Booy
7) When Women Were Birds, by Terry Tempest Williams
8) Dracula, by Bram Stoker
9) Case Histories, by Kate Atkinson
10) The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan
11) Room, by Emma Donoghue
12) Born to Run, by Christopher McDougall

Alternates (because sometimes I'm indecisive, and also I can't currently recall which books are in storage and which are un-stored and therefore accessible to me right now, so just to be safe, I want some extras):

1) Letters to a Young Poet, by Rainier Maria Rilke
2) Birds of a Lesser Paradise, by Meghan Mayhew Bergman
3) The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, by Oliver Sachs
4) Cat's Eye, by Margaret Atwood
5) The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russel

Here's to a year of tackling the mountain of books I already own, getting to some oldies-but-goodies, and remembering why I bought all these books in the first place.


  1. Great list and good luck on this challenge. This will be my first year doing it and I hope i succeed at least a little. I'm going to try to read a lot more backlist fiction this year instead of getting all caught up in the new books. Yeah, like that's going to happen!

    1. That's my goal as well... but then, that's my goal every year.

  2. THE SPARROW!!!! That's all I'm gonna say about that. (So good.)

    I should've thought to put Case Histories on my list as well. I've had that book forever.

    1. I KNOW! I keep hearing about this book. HOW HAVE I NOT READ THIS YET!?

  3. When Women Were Birdsssss! I hope you scoot that up to the top :)

    1. It's near the top! But then there are so many wonderful looking ones on this list...

  4. fun list! I have read 5 of your titles. I enjoyed a lot your #6, 12 and alternate #5. #6 is so very beautiful! I also want to finally read Stoner. Here is my list:

    1. I've heard so many things about Stoner, I still can't believe I haven't read it yet.

  5. The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan is really good! Info-heavy, but really interesting so it's okay. I hope you succeed reading more of your own books!

    1. I've had my eye on this for years, so hoping to FINALLY get to it. I don't mind data-heavy as long as the writing is interesting enough to keep my attention (Mary Roach is data-heavy, technically, but so far from boring it's like I forget I'm reading data to begin with).

  6. You've got some great choices! I was hung up on the books I could find (dealing with boxes just like you) and then decided that if I couldn't find it, I'd get it at the library. Otherwise, I couldn't have come up with 12! Have fun- I'll be looking for your reviews to add to my TBR pile!


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