Looking Ahead: December Books

December is not traditionally known as a heavy publishing month, but that's not to say there aren't a few gems on the horizon...

age of reinvention, ashley bell, dean koontz, life-changing magic of not giving a fuck

Ashley Bell, by Dean Koontz (Bantam, December 8th): This was my first foray into Koontz' work, and it was a riot of a ride. For more: my interview with Dean Koontz about the book, and my review of Ashley Bell.

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck, by Sarah Knight (Little, Brown and Company, December 29th): Labelled "a practical parody," this little book looks like the kind of self-help I can *truly* get behind. Cannot. Wait.

The Age of Reinvention, by Karine Tull (Atria, December 1st): The teaser for this quotes a proverb: "With a lie you can go very far, but you can never go back." Billed as a Gatsby-esque novel of a character making it in New York on a life built on lies, this will either be excellent or fall flat--I'm hoping for the former.


What new releases are you looking forward to this month?

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