Week in Reading: April 4th

Welcome to the first iteration of April's weeks in reading. The next three months for me feature a ton of meetings and lots (and lots and lots) of travel, which means I'll likely be reading a lot, but writing very little. My goal, at a minimum, is to keep up with weekly reading posts so the books I'm reading get a little bit of attention (and, of course, I'll still meet my paid review deadlines). Anything beyond that will be a bonus! Having set expectations accordingly, on to this week's reading stack:

I have the last few hours of Born to Run by Chris Macdougal going on audio, and I'm really enjoying it. Though some of Macdougal's story makes him come off as a clunky American white man stomping around lesser-known, secluded cultures, he acknowledges this fact--which makes it far less annoying than it otherwise might have been. The book is so much more than a book about distance running, which has been an unexpected bonus.

I wrapped up my re-read of American Gods this weekend (I feel like I got so much more out of it on this re-read than I did in my first read), and am moving on to Tenth of December: Stories by George Saunders for the ongoing Mini Long Distance Book Club going with a friend. And speaking of book clubs, I'm just getting into Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption for the first iteration of the (very laid-back) Social Justice Book Club. (It's not too late to join in!)

In prepping for some May releases, I set aside Solemn this weekend after realizing it just wasn't clicking for me--despite some beautiful writing--and am now looking at The Loney, which Stephen King called "an amazing piece of fiction." Here's to hoping it lives up to that promise.


What are you reading this week?

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