Social Justice Book Club: February Wrap-Up and March Announcements

The Social Justice Book Club read The Autobiography of Malcolm X in February; did you join in? I, for one, was not able to read along--I had an unexpected delay getting my hands on the book, and a death in the family railroaded my reading (and general life) plans for February. And so my "wrap up" of the month here is sorely lacking, but if you read along, I still want to hear what you thought!

Janani is having some computer difficulties, but will have a proper wrap-up post for the February book up within the next few days.

In the meantime, though, it's time to dive into our March book: Enrique's Journey, by Sonia Nazario. If you're already in the Slack group and would like to join this month's discussions, simply add yourself to the #enriquesjourney channel there. If you'd like an invitation to join the Slack, simply sign up here and we'll get you added ASAP.

In rough terms, the schedule for March will go as follows (feel free to follow along on a schedule or read at your own pace):

Week 1 (March 1-4): Prologue & Chapter 1
Week 2 (March 5-11): Chapters 2 - 4
Submit Questions for Author Q&A: Sonia Nazario has graciously agreed to answer a few questions from the group for a club Q&A! Questions will be due to hosts by 3/11 so we have time to share with her and receive her responses prior to the end of the month.
Week 3 (March 12-18): Chapters 5 - 6
Week 4 (March 19-25): Chapter 7
Week 5 (March 26-31): Epilogue(s) & Author's Notes

(Note that if you are reading from the first edition text, the schedule/contents remain the same until the epilogues, which have been updated since Nazario's first writing.)

And due to popular demand, we're going to try this book club on a monthly (instead of bi-monthly) basis. So mark your calendars: April's book selection will be Headscarves and Hymen: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution.

Looking forward to reading with you all!

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