Bloggiesta Starting Line

I've just signed up for the Bloggiesta challenge (hosted by Maw Books). Over the next three days (in between packing apartments, helping my mother shop for a dress, and planning a move), I'm aiming to give the blog a little TLC through a series of mini-challenges. Hopefully this will mean a better blog: better layout, better tracking, better content, the works.

I'm aiming to complete at least 5 mini-challenges, get myself a bit more organized, cull my Google reader (which is totally out of control), try to discover new blogs to follow in place of a few I currently follow but rarely read, and, somewhere in between all that, sleep a little bit.

I'd love to hear feedback if you notice any of the changes!


  1. You'll do great. Your site is already way more organized than mine. Best of luck with the challenge and the move of course.

  2. Stopping by on the Hop. My Hop is here.

    Happy Friday. :)

    From the Shadows

  3. I have been looking for new blogs also. I have a lot I don't read because they don't update but once a month. Good Luck this weekend!

  4. I hope you're able to accomplish everything you set out to do.

    This is my second Bloggiesta, and there are still things I need to learn how to do.

    I'm going to try to figure some of them out this time!

  5. found you on the hop....great blog and nice links! I recognize some friends here too!


  6. Thank you everyone for the well wishes and for stopping by! Hope everyone's Bloggiesta/Hop/weekend went well.


Thanks for stopping by!