Booklovin' Tweeters

Following my post last week on Twitter, which drew from J. Robert King's article on the same subject, I've had a few requests for recommended book tweeters. While I consider myself far from a Twitter expert - I just learned what a Direct Message was a few days ago - here are a few I'd recommend for some great book links, articles, etc. If you keep an eye on who these Tweeters are linking to, I'd be willing to bet you'd scare up some more great booklovin' tweeters in the process...

@thebookmaven - Bethanne Patrick, former blogger at PW, current contributor to The Book Studio

@RonHogan - runs the literary website, and has worked in various roles throughout the publishing industry

@HousingWorksBks - the twitter account for the Housing Works Bookshop in NYC, a great outlet for books and book events

@indiepride - an online store dedicated to indie and small publishing houses

- the twitter feed for Media Bistro's Galley Cat blog

Happy Tweeting!


  1. Great list - thanks!

    Have you come across many novelists who tweet?

    The only one who I've found - and who is fantastic - is Jonathan Tropper.

  2. Greg - I don't follow a lot of novelists. A lot of the ones I have seen have been very one-book focused, which while not a bad thing, isn't really what I was after. I do follow @jrobertking, whose blog post a few weeks ago got me started on my thinking-about-Twitter kick, and I'm enjoying his tweets thus far.

  3. YA Book Giveaway at:

  4. Thanks for the list - I love Housing Works so I started following them!


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