What Are Your Top 10 Favorite Penguin Classics?

Last year, Penguin compiled a list of the top ten Penguin classics of all time, surely not expecting the massive backlash they received when they published it. These were meant to be the essential Penguin classics - but they forgot to ask the most important ingredient in a publisher's recipe: the readers. "Where is Picture of Dorian Gray!?" we cried (well, not I, as I haven't read it). What about Tolstoy??

Deep breaths, classics-readers. Now's your chance to chime in. Penguin opened the debate to readers, narrowing a list of 100 titles to a longlist of 25. Now, it's time to whittle it down to the top 10 most essential classics in the 10 Essential Classics Redux. Hop on over and cast your vote. The final list (take two, anyway) will be released in January.


  1. I doubt anyone will be able to please everyone! there is always someone who will disagree with the list. Everyone has their own favourites!

  2. I didn't know about this but I will check it out. No one will ever agree on a top 10 - honestly, I don't know how people find the time or energy to kick up a fuss about this kind of thing

  3. Mystica - Definitely impossible to please everyone! That's part of what makes the reading community so fun - we all like different things.

    Becky - I really enjoy "top" lists, if for no other reason than I LIKE to see what other people rank. I totally don't understand the fuss, though the voting concept for the Penguin list is pretty fun. Talk about turning a backlash into a good marketing opportunity.

  4. I am definitely doing this exercise. I have a Penguin on my wall, so my vote should count twice, right?

  5. Yes, it absolutely should count twice!


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