Reflecting on 2010: Bloggers

I've posted on my favorite posts from 2010, and my favorite books from the year as well, but we all know that book blogs never stand alone. In fact, most bloggers I've spoken to say that what they love most about the world of book blogging is not the review copies, or even the chance to air our opinions - it is the sense of community, the support from one blogger to another, etc.

With that in mind, here are a few of my favorite bloggers, both newly discovered and old favorites, of 2010:

Raych at books i done read: At times absurd, at times quite serious, Raych is a funny, witty, and entertaining blogger with a very unique writing style. Always good to spice it up a bit and keep things interesting, which she most certainly does. That, and she reviews an excellent assortment of titles that are almost unanimously added to my non-existent TBR list.

Allie at A Literary Odyssey: Finding herself unemployed and struggling to figure out what she wanted to do with herself, Allie is doing what most every book nerd would dream of: reading 250 of the classics. And writing about them. You can read about her mission and how she determined her list, and then follow her adventures in Classicsland. If I can read a fraction of the 250 classics in 2011, I'll be a happy little bookworm.

Bella Steph at Bella's Bookshelves: Do you ever stumble across someone else' writing only to find your thoughts reflected back at you from the page? That was how I felt when I read my first post by Bella, on redeeming our reading selves. I immediately became an avid follower. Looking forward to more from her.

Rebecca at The Book Lady's Blog
: Rebecca, I've decided, is sort of like every book-blogger's idol. Correct if I'm wrong, but she has a strong following; interesting; engaging comments; a wonderful assortment of bookish posts, book reviews, and discussions of interesting or controversial topics; a literary community; authorish and booksellerish and reviewer and publisher friends. Not to mention the fact that she helped pioneer the Get in Bed with a Book Blogger campaign to pair up independent bookstores with local bloggers, and works with SocialMediU to help education people in using social media. Ok, enough goggling. Interesting posts, smart lady, avid reader and booklover. Jealousy aside, an all-around amazing blogger.

Greg at The New Dork Review of Books: I've posted about Greg's blog oh, I don't know, a dozen times in as many months, so he probably thinks I have a thing for him. It's nothing like that, but (like Rebecca) I greatly admire the consistently engaging and thoughtful content he posts, and (like Raych) I find myself constantly expanding my TBR pile because of him. Which should make me resent him (No room for more books! No time!), but it doesn't.

Thomas at My Porch: Thomas' reading choices are so vastly different than mine that I find myself constantly learning about new authors and titles from him. Even series and publishers. Always worth visiting when you're itching for something to read but aren't sure what it might be.

There are oh-so-many more blogs and bloggers I love to read, but I simply cannot list them all. Who am I missing here? I'm always looking for recommendations, and love to hear what everyone else is reading.

And, of course, looking forward to more great blogging - and finding new blogs - in 2011.


  1. Thank you very much! Actually, when I saw your twitter profile, I felt the same way, especially when you said smeller of books. :)

  2. PS. I look forward to reading more of your posts, too. I have a few days off to catch up!

  3. You are so sweet. Thank you.

    I do love the community of book bloggers. It makes me feel warm, welcome, and as if I am fulfilling a purpose. It is a grand place to be. I look forward to seeing what you pick up in 2011!

  4. Kerry, thanks again for the link and very kind words - you've made my day! And I totally dig the new banner. Happy New Year! Cheers!

  5. Steph - Sorry I brainlapsed and got your name wrong in original post. Now corrected.

    Allie & Greg - You're very welcome! Happy New Year!

  6. The book blog community has really knocked my socks off--I love all the blogs you've mentioned, and also Zen Leaf, Plum Bean Project, A Thousand Books with Quotes, The Reading Ape...I'll stop before I replicate my whole blog roll...Oh, and yours, too! Have a Happy, Bookish New Year!

  7. Kerry,

    No problem! I get it sometimes because it is confusing unless you read the About page, which not everyone does. But since it's my middle name, and such a part of my blog, I don't even notice. Not to worry!

  8. I love A Literary Odyssey and The New Dork Review of Books. I've only been blogging for about a month so your other picks are unfamiliar to me, but I'll definitely check them out. Happy New Year! :)

  9. Lisa - I do know A Thousand Quotes and The Reading Ape, but not the others - thanks for the recs! Thanks for stopping by!

    Steph - I should have caught it in the "Posted by..." bit, too. Guess my attention to detail isn't quite detailed enough.

    Darlyn - Happy New Year to you, too!

  10. I can say "right on!" to all of these. Wonderful choices, wonderful bloggers. :)

  11. I'm with you - I love the community! I'm just now emerging from my self-imposed thesis exile, and I'm SO glad to be back in the blogging world. As cheesy as it sounds, I missed everyone :)

    Thanks for sharing your favorite blogs. I'll have to check out the ones I don't currently read.

  12. Emily - Glad to hear you're re-emerging!


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