Things I'd Like to Own: Book Lover's Chocolate

Gourmet chocolate and books in one place? The world has truly conspired to achieve my economic downfall on this one: book-themed chocolate from Bridgebands Chocolate. Yum. $1.50 for a bar; $5.99 for a box; $18.95 for a gift set. Enjoy.


  1. What a great gift to get someone, er, like us! :) I'm pretty fussy about chocolate and I like only dark but I'd eat these just because they are so nicely presented. :) Although the price of each bar leaves me dubious. That's cheap!

  2. I'm a dark-chocolate lover myself, although I have yet to meet a piece of chocolate I haven't liked :-)

  3. Amanda, doesn't it? It makes me hungry just looking at it.


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