Elsewhere on the Interwebs: Scene of the Blog!

Today, I'm excited to be featured over on Cathy's "Scene of the Blog" post at Kittling: Books. This is a weekly feature that Cathy runs, with pictures of different book bloggers' reading and working spaces, along with a guest post. It's a great way to discover new book blogs and/or get to know more about the bloggers behind blogs you already follow. 

So thanks to Cathy for inviting me to participate this week, and head on over to Kittling: Books if you want to see more about my own scene of the blog. (Spoiler Alert: There are pictures of the puppy included)


  1. That's awesome! I've never heard of Scene of the Blog but it sounds like an awesome feature! I'm heading over there now to check it out! :)

  2. Thanks for being such a great guest, Kerry!

  3. Loved reading this! And I didn't realize you'd written for Bibliobuffet? Did I bump my head and forget? I used to have a column there: The Finicky Reader. :)

    1. Thanks! I've only had one guest column with Bibliobuffet. I didn't realize YOU used to have a column there!


Thanks for stopping by!