Missing Out on BEA

Yesterday, I wrote a really sad and whiny post about how disappointed I was not to be able to attend BEA this year (for the second year in a row). How bummed I was to miss out on the very first Book Blogger UnCon. How real it was starting to feel that I no longer lived in New York, or worked in publishing.

Today, I deleted that post. It was far to sad and melodramatic and self-pitying for my actual tastes. Today, I woke up and heard Elvis Presley on the radio, and knew that it would be a good day. Today, I decided that even though I no longer have two feet firmly entrenched in the book world of New York publishing, I can still work to maintain my one little foot in the land of books with my one little corner of the internet.

Today, I decided to accept that I have made choices that have brought me to where I am, and that I am no more unhappy with each choice than I am with where they have brought me.

I just have to work harder to keep going in the right direction. Whatever that is.


  1. I'm kind of sad that I'm not at BEA, from seeing all the talk about it, and I never was in NY publishing! So I can understand why you feel really bummed.

    1. It certainly doesn't make it easier to see everyone on Twitter and all their BEA excitement! Glad I'm not alone in feeling bummed, though. Maybe we can go next year!

  2. Hooray for a happier day! :-D

    Although boo-hoo posts are always allowed, of course.

    1. Thanks! Sometimes it helps to even write the boo-hoo post, even if it never sees the light of the internet.

  3. Elvis and his blue suede shoes always perk me up:)

    1. Is there anything Elvis DOESN'T make better?

    2. How about a good night's sleep? He ain't nuthin' but a hound dog, barking at 2 a.m. But I digress.


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