Recommended Reading for Running?

Guys, I have started running. It's a weird phenomenon, really, because I've always hated running. Runners always say that there is a plateau, that after a mile or two you hit this awesome place where you feel like you can just keep running and running. Until yesterday I was convinced that this was just a thing that runners said to non-runners to make everyone experience the same hell of running that they did.

But now I know it is true, and I give all the credit for this experience to Justin Cronin and The Passage (because with The Passage to keep you occupied, how could you possibly even think about running?)

Obviously, this means I need to start preparing for what happens when I run through (I made a pun!) the next 26 hours of The Passage.

I "read" in the car all the time, so I'm accustomed to picking audiobooks, but I'm looking for really good, really solid, fast-paced, plot-driven, well-written stories like The Passage to accompany me while I go for more mileage. Any ideas?


  1. I keep meaning to try this running thing while listening to a book and I've done it a few times with Harry Potter, but I still think that plateau you speak of is a myth.

    1. I seriously did not believe in it until last night, and I am 100% convinced that it was a product of having something else to focus on entirely.

  2. Basically, what Red said. :) But I guess I should give it a shot at least once!

  3. I read to Ian Fleming's James Bond series. Fantastic. Good pacing, GREAT narrator. Plus, I don't have to run faster or slower because of the rhythm of whatever music I'm listening to.

    1. Great suggestion - thank you! I'm like you with the music, too. I start pacing myself based on the rhythm of whatever I'm listening to, and then wear myself out too quickly if I'm not careful. Books are better.

  4. I'm still convinced it's a myth. Maybe I should try again when The Twelve comes out?

    1. I swear I was totally with you on the myth until just this week. Definitely worth a shot with The Twelve when it comes out. Speaking of which, I CAN'T WAIT!

  5. I haven't read THE PASSAGE, but a great book for running is BORN TO RUN. Reads like a novel even though it's non-fiction, and it's a great mix of interesting running-related science and anthropology with a great story of an epic race that no one knew about, plus a cast of wacky characters who all happen to be real people! I loved it - and bonus, it inspires you to run more.

  6. I just started running in June and I found that listening to music is terrible for me, but I love listening to my audiobooks while running! If you're into running books, I'd highly recommend Haruki Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running and Christopher McDougall's Born to Run, also recommended above by Jaclyn. Both are fantastic to listen to while running.

    Also, the way to get to that happy place in running is to get compression socks. They improve circulation when you run and while they may feel awkward and snug at first, they reduce calf fatigue and before you know it, you're either running a little faster, or you're running longer! I've got a separate blog for running called This Chick Will Run (; stop on by!


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