#24in48 Readathon: My Reading List

The 2nd 24 in 28 readathon, hosted by Rachel at A Home Between Pages, is nearly upon us! The goal is to read for 24 hours in a 48 hour window, but I'm going into the weekend with a sense that I probably won't get a full 24 hours of reading in; plans with a friend in DC and a dinner planned with my brother in Baltimore will mean distractions and less reading time (though I do plan to keep an audiobook on for both car rides, at the very least).

Regardless, I have quite the stack of books picked out for the weekend, and with the weather promising to be deeeeeeelightful, I'm planning on curling up in a hammock by the river and treating myself to some sunshine.

I'm trying to learn from past readathons and keep my reading options varied and fast-paced (War and Peace was a bad pick last time...). Here's what I'm considering at the moment (and yes, I know, it's far too many to choose from):

Recent Releases


Upcoming Releases

Non-fiction (Variety is the Spice of Life)

And Audio, for Said Car Rides

See? Far too many books, affectionately known from here on out as #tbrproblems. Still, any time set aside for dedicated reading is time well spent in my mind, so I'm looking forward to the weekend!


  1. This is such an awesome gathering of books. Lexicon is a perfect readathon book because it's nearly impossible to stop. And you've reminded me I still need to read Gods of Gotham!

  2. Have fun with your readathon! I'm about halfway through Quiet and I like it very much. Looks like you have a good selection to choose from.


Thanks for stopping by!