Septemb-Eyre Update: Logistics!

A few logistics for the Septemb-Eyre readalong...

Join us!
It's never too late to sign up. If you'd like to read Jane Eyre with us over the month of September, you can sign up for the readalong here.

I was apparently looking at an August calendar when I picked dates for this, not a September calendar, and I'm guessing most people don't want to run posts on Saturday. How does Monday sound instead? That gives us all the weekend to catch up on reading and respond with thoughts on each section. That moves our schedule a bit and takes us right up to the end of the month...

September 2nd: Kick-off post, introductions, why you're reading, etc.
September 9th: Chapters I-XI
September 16th: Chapters XII-XXI
September 23rd: Chapters XXII-XXIX
September 30th: Chapters XXX-End

(That said, if a different day of the week works better for you, feel free to post whenever and just link up to the appropriate linky... this is supposed to be fun, not work.)

Hashtag Central
Join me on Twitter (@ofabookworm) and Tumblr ( with the hashtag #SeptembEyre as we read along. 

What am I missing?


  1. Sounds good! I'm actually hosting a Classics Retold event next month too, so my update posts might come a little later the first week, but I can post on Mondays for the rest of the month I think. And I plan to post my intro this Saturday. :)

    Looking forward to this!

    1. Sounds good! I figure everyone can really post whenever they want, just trying to break up the book some logical way. Looking forward to diving into this myself!

  2. Sounds perfect. Can't wait to get started!!

  3. Hallo Kerry,

    I meant to ask: everyone is going to be updating their blogs/visiting blogs whilst we move through Jane Eyre instead of relying solely on twitter OR did I misunderstand this!? I was hoping those of us off-twitter could still be active and supportive!? I composed my Introduction post & am awaiting the 2nd!!

    1. I'll be posting on each day with a Linky (similar to the sign-up one) where you can put the link to each week's post, so the main way to follow along here is via blogs. You'll be able to see other people's links in the same place each week, and follow those to comment/discuss each section.

      But because I'm generally not off social media for long stretches, I'll also be doing mini-updates on Twitter & Tumblr as the month goes on. DEFINITELY not a requirement, though!


Thanks for stopping by!