Late to the Party: RIP VIII

I'm struggling from book overwhelmitude of late. I have so many piles of books in so many places in so many different stacks that I sometimes don't even know where to begin. In an effort to focus myself over the next two months, I've decided (albeit belatedly) to join up in the RIP VIII Reading Challenge, hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings:

I'll be aiming to read four books that fall within the stated RIP categories (mystery, suspense, thriller, dark fantasy, gothic, supernatural, horror). Here's my list of titles to choose from, all of which I already own:

With the exception of Dracula, none of these are in storage at the moment, and I have 25 boxes of books in storage. See what I mean by "overwhelmitude"?


  1. Oh girl, our shelves look very similar. I hope you'll join The Estella Society Historian Readalong. I also have This House is Haunted, Havisham, Sherlock, and that GORGEOUS copy of Dracula waiting for me. :D

    1. The more I see of your reading, the more I agree. Not sure if I'll be able to do the readalong of The Historian (I think I saw on the RIP blog that it starts this month, correct?) since I really want to read Dracula first. And (shame on me) have never read it in its entirety -- only about 100 pages.

    2. Gotcha. Yes, it does start this month. I'm doing it backwards and reading The Historian this month and Dracula next month. Hopefully because they're so close together, I'll still be able to make all the connections.

  2. Ah, great picks! The Historian is one of my favourite books EVER, I hope you love it as much as I do. Dracula is a favourite too.
    And I've been wanting to read The Golem and the Jinni ever since I first heard about it, hope you like it.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to read Dracula before The Historian, but I loved Kostova's second novel, The Swan Thieves, so have high hopes for her first. I've heard so many good things about the Golem and the Jinni, but am suffering from classic so-many-books-so-little-time syndrome. You know.

  3. 25 boxes?! I just packed my 1st editions- 4 boxes but I don't think I'll hit 25- been donating like crazy.

    Anyway, The Historian is a cannot put-down novel. LOVED it. Troubled Wives and Shining Girls are good and quick reads- you could get through them in two nights. Enjoy!

    1. Yeah, 25 boxes. And, believe it or not, that was AFTER cleaning out the shelves, donating several boxes and selling some to the used bookstore here. Oy.

      Good to know those two are quick!

  4. Welcome to RIP VIII! I'm reading Dracula at the same time as The Historian and starting Oct. 1st on both. A bit of having my cake and eating it as well...

    1. Oooh, that's not a bad plan. I was planning to read Dracula first, then the Historian, but maybe I'll tackle them at the same time as well.

  5. Yay for RIP! I want to get my hands on Golem too.

    1. I bought it a while back, but as with so many books, haven't picked it up yet. :-/

  6. Oh good, I'm always happy to see more Holmes plans. Have fun--I hope it brings you some focus. :) As someone who tends to spread my focus across multiple challenges and several different lists of books, I know that feeling...

    1. I'm slowly working through the original Holmes stories and watching the BBC show. I'm trying to read the stories before I watch the corresponding episodes, so I'm stuck at the start of Season 2 which starts with Hound of the Baskervilles (which I haven't read!).

  7. wow, great group of books!
    I just purchased The Golem and the Jinni, read the Historian a few years back, just finished Bellman & Black, and Dust and Shadow is in the RIP pile!
    I will forward to your reviews!!!

  8. Yep, we're working on getting ours unpacked too! And I totally understand about being overwhelmed! This challenge will relieve some of that stress and will be fun!

    I'm interested to see what you think about The Golem and the Jinni. I got an ARC but just couldn't get into it but really wanted to because it sounded so fun.

    We have a few titles in common so I'm looking forward to seeing what you think!

  9. Aw man, I forgot to add Dracula to my pile... ehhh, we'll see if I can fit it in there. I have read The Historian and I really liked it at the time, even if it was a bit wordy sometimes.

  10. I'm reading Sherlock Holmes too continuing where I left off with The Hound of the Baskervilles. Right now, I'm reading The Return of Sherlock Holmes. I will also be reading Dracula in October.


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