Historical Fiction at its Finest: Lyndsay Faye's Timothy Wilde Trilogy

Lyndsay Faye's Timothy Wilde trilogy has just come to an end. The Gods of Gotham (2013) introduced the daring-do, unwitting copper star of the newly-formed NYPD; Seven for a Secret (2014) continued his and his brother's stories while exploring the horrors of slavery and prejudice in 1840s New York City; and The Fatal Flame (2015) finished the trio with a neat (but not-too-neat) wrap-up of Timothy's affairs amidst a battle for womens' rights in the same decade.

Timothy Wilde is a fascinating, multi-layered character unto himself: imperfect brother, sometimes friend, star policeman (against his wishes), fearer of fire. But Faye does not pour all of her energy into Timothy to the exclusion of all else: the characters that surround him (his brother, Valentine; his childhood friend, Mercy; his ward, Bird daly; his landlady, Mrs. Boehm) are equally as nuanced and well-developed--as is 1840s New York itself, which could be a character in its own right. What's more, Faye never treats her characters with kid gloves: fights break out, fires burn, people die, and Timothy sees more pain and desperation on the streets of an untamed New York than one man should see in a lifetime.

If you're a fan of New York City history, impeccable historical fiction, nuanced character development, or explorations of historical issues that continue to resonate in today's world--or most especially books that combine all of the above--this trilogy is for you. I'm sad to see the end of Timothy Wilde's story, but excited to see what Faye has in store next.


Gods of Gotham | Lyndsay Faye | Berkley | 2013 | Buy from an independent bookstore near you

I received a copy of this title for review from the publisher. Opinions my own.
Seven for a Secret | Lyndsay Faye | Berkley | 2014 | Buy from an independent bookstore near you

I received a copy of this title for review from the publisher. Opinions my own.
The Fatal Flame | Lyndsay Faye | Berkley | 2015 | Buy from an independent bookstore near you

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