Week in Reading // August 24 (Running, Essays, and End-of-Summer Celebrations)


It's officially the last week of August (how did that happen?) and summer is winding down; I even saw a school bus on my dog walk this morning. I've been a lax blogger these past few weeks, and expect that will continue in the next week or two--prepping for a big board meeting and strategic retreat, and then a much-needed beach trip next week to celebrate the end of summer in sun-soaked style. I've got a few review deadlines to meet this week, and then am hoping that my vacation reading can be all backlist... but we'll see how that plan goes. In the meantime, here's what I'm reading:

Last week, I devoured the truly incredible, thinky, smart, thoughtful, strange Not on Fire, but Burning. If this isn't already on your radar for fall books, make sure to add it. It's excellent. I then set aside Big Magic (just a wee bit too magicky and flowy for my taste) in favor of The Dead Ladies Project. That switch seems to be just what the doctor ordered, as it were: the latter, a memoir/history told in a series of personal essays, explores what it is to live a life without being tied down to anyone or anything or any place or any expectation--and it's incredible so far. Continuing the trend of setting down books that aren't working, I abandoned The Last Summer of the Camperdowns (suspense books aren't very suspenseful when you just don't *care* what the secret is) and started Instructions for a Heatwave on audio instead, which is proving the perfect selection for these long, hot days of August weather.

I'm also planning on picking up Gold Fame Citrus this week (I've heard so many good things!) and to keep my motivation up for the ten-mile run in the plans for this weekend, hope to start my very first Murakami book: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.


In continued bad-blogger news, I forgot to announce/notify the winner of last week's giveaway of The Beautiful Bureaucrat! Congrats to Erin from Manuscripts and Marginalia; I'll email you now to coordinate getting you a copy. Everyone else, thanks for entering (and also go follow Erin's blog, if you don't already, yes?)


What's everyone else reading this week? Any special end-of-summer celebrations?

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