Week in Reading: August 10th

We had perfect summer weather here this weekend, and I spent most of Saturday outdoors: first running a local 5K, then on a 15' sailboat in perfect wind, learning to sail on the Bay. (I PR'ed the 5K; we only capsized the boat once; I'd call the day a success overall.) I haven't yet perfected the art of running or sailing while reading, though, which meant I didn't get much reading time in (though I did make an entire meal out of various recipes and techniques in The Food Lab last night, and I doubt I'll stop talking about this book for a good long time). Here's what's on deck for this week:

I've only got the Epilogue of Church of Marvels left, so can confidently declare this one to be an excellent story. It's a mix of circus life and Coney Island and late-19th-century New York City and questioning gender roles and independence and expectations, and I love it. Up next on audio is The Last Summer of the Camperdowns. Because it's due back to the library soon, I'm hoping to pick up Sandman, Vol 1 (and maybe the subsequent volumes as well?). On the not-yet-published front, I'm currently loving Lafayette in the (Somewhat) United States, the new Sarah Vowell history that is just as funny and sharp and witty as her previous works (on sale October 20th from Riverhead) and I'm eying Bright Lines by Tanwi Nandini Islam for something slightly different (on sale tomorrow from Penguin).

What's everyone else reading this week?


Psst... stay tuned tomorrow for a review of one of my favorite August releases, The Beautiful Bureaucrat--and a chance to win a copy for yourself.

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