Week in Reading: May 2nd

Greetings from the arc formerly known as my house, friends. We're on day 6, I think, of straight downpours (though it feels like day 600), and looking a forecast of more of the same this week.

We did get a brief glimpse of moody sun in Western Maryland yesterday, where I was volunteering at the end of a 100-mile ultramarathon. I suppose I can't complain too much about rain (or mud) after those folks braved 30 hours of it. The finishers were soaked to the core, and the very last stretch was almost all uphill on a solid mud slick. Pretty impressive stuff.

On the running front, this is taper week for me leading up to my first half of the year, which means I will (hopefully) have some more time for reading than I have in the last few weeks of travel and higher mileage runs. After wrapping up Challenger Deep last week--an excellent novel of mental illness that is really, really well done on audio--I've got The Girl on the Train on my headphones now. I'm interested to see what all of last year's hype was about, and so far, I haven't been disappointed.

May and June bring forth more awesome new books than I can count--stay tuned for a round-up later this week of May titles I'm looking forward to--and so far, those I've picked up have been great fun. The View from the Cheap Seats collects Neil Gaiman's non-fiction writing from near and far, and has been a joy to dip in and out of these past few days. I'm underlining the shit out of this book. (As those on Snapchat may have noticed; I'm @kerryamchugh over there, if you want to follow along.) I'm also just starting Marrow Island, and I'm intrigued from just the first few pages.

I need to be better about Reading My Own Damn Books this month, especially since I picked up not one but three new-to-me reads at Indie Bookstore day on Saturday:

Just as soon as I meet some deadlines, that is. So in between the books above, I'm planning just to finish up those books I'm in the middle of: Just Mercy, The Name of the Wind, and Euphoria.


What's on your reading stack this week?


Don't forget: the wrap-up post for Just Mercy, our first Social Justice Book Club pick, is up now. I'm also looking for feedback from you guys on how best to move the club forward in the months to come!

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