Week in Reading: Monday, August 8th

After a fabulous, sun-soaked (working) vacation, it's good to be home. Though I didn't read much while traveling, I did devour The Girls and Shelter (I read the latter on the flight home and barely looked up from the moment we took off). Now that I'm back on my own turf (read: closer to my bookshelves...), I'm back to reading more physical books for a stint, and the booking is good-looking:

Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow is this month's pick for the Social Justice Book Club, and it is infuriatingly good. I could underline the whole book, and I don't expect I'll stop recommending this one any time soon. (Halfway post to come on this book August 15th; but it's still not too late to join us if you want to read along or just hop in on discussions!) To break up the heavy reading, I picked up my first 2017 book over the weekend, The Impossible Fortress. It's a quirky little book about a 1980s teenager learning to code, and it proved a delight. To go back to the heavy-hitting non-fiction, I'm looking at Trainwreck: The Women We Love to Hate, Fear, and Mock... and Why.

I'll be speed-listening to the remainder of Blue Lily, Lily Blue this week before it's due back to the library this week, and I know I won't be able to resist starting the last of the series, The Raven King, immediately after. And just to keep things interesting, a friend and I have opted to tackle The Count of Monte Cristo for our mini long-distance book club; given this book's 1400+ page count, I expect this will be appearing in these posts for months to come.

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