A Side Note: Some Non-Book Blog Recommendations

My Google Reader is a site for sore eyes. I have a constant stream of 1000+ unread items in there, and I'm almost afraid to open it these days. Almost. But there are a few blogs that keep me coming back, and some of those aren't even book blogs. In no particular order:

Mighty Girl: Maggie, at Mighty Girl, is working her way through her mighty life list (which was part of my inspiration for my 26-by-26 list). Her posts vary from travel stories to product recommendations to food/drink/craft ideas, and generally encourage us all to reconsider whether or not our lives are full-and fun!-enough.

The Bloggess: I've never cried so hard from laughing as I did when I first read about Beyonce the metal chicken. And I've never laughed so hard from crying after reading about the Christmas Miracle. The Bloggess (Jenny Lawson) is one of the funniest, most entertaining writers I've ever read. And as a side note to this side note of a post, she also has a new book out (which is equally fabulous): Let's Pretend This Never Happened.

Young House Love: This couple is the cream of the DIY crop, taking home improvements to a whole new level. Their actual decoration style is a bit modern for my taste (see: Steampunk Home, below), but their ideas on how to decorate and improve a home on a budget (and with a healthy dose of "I-can-do-this" chanting) take some of the guesswork out of home improvements.

Steampunk Home: If Young House Love is my inspiration for the how-to of house design, A Steampunk Home is my inspiration for what I want my house to look like. Though some of the gears and copper can be a bit over-the-top, the general vintage feel of everything is to-freaking-die-for.

Smitten Kitchen: I own dozens of cookbooks, but that doesn't stop me from constantly looking for new foodie blogs. Smitten Kitchen is just such a  blog, chock full of delightful recipes that treat food simply, and differently, and simply differently. (Oh, and there's a Smitten Kitchen cookbook coming out this fall...)

(This post a part of The Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday, even though I only listed five blogs, and posted on a Thursday.).


  1. Great suggestions! I can't wait to check out Steampunk Home.

  2. I loved this! This was my favorite Top Ten Tuesday to spy on.

  3. I swear I recently read a positive review of Let's Pretend This Never Happened. Will have to check it (and her blog) out. Thanks!


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