Post Vacation Blues

I'm back! Although I don't know why I say it quite so joyfully, because I'd really rather be travelling. Ok, I suppose I am excited to see the cat and the dog again, and sleep in my own bed, but I do miss waking up to this view:

I spent most of today warding off the post-vacation blues, which were only amplified by the fact that it is also Monday. Four more days to go until the weekend (and a wedding!). But the post-vacation blues have left me with dozens of words, and thousands of sentences, welling up, with nowhere to go. I'm hoping that means I'll be able to finally catch up on the dozen+ reviews I haven't written.

I did read three and a half books while travelling - the last two of the Hunger Games trilogy (finally), E. M. Forster's A Room with a View, and half of Jennifer Dubois A Partial History of Lost Causes (which is fan-freaking-tastic, thus far).

Back with more later this week!


  1. Love the view! Welcome back :)

  2. hi! followed you here from Read Handed's blog, where apparently she nominated the both of us for some sort of award. Just wanted to stop by and see yours since I don't think I've encountered it before. Now I'm a new follower.

    That view is lovely. Looks old world-ish. Where is it?

    1. Great to have you here! The view is from our villa in Tuscany. Very old-world, very lovely. I'm already plotting how I can get back there :-)


Thanks for stopping by!