Super Sad True Love Story = Super Sad DNF?

Nancy Pearl, who might be the only librarian who can boast her own action figure, has a rule of 50: read the first 50 pages, and if you don't like it, move on.

I am 56 pages in to Super Sad True Love Story, and I do not love it. In fact, I don't even like it. But I've heard some really good things about this one (and definitely good things about the author's other works), and I've had the ARC on my shelf since... well, since they were sending out ARCs of this book. I can't quite explain why I'm hesitating in declaring it unfinished and moving on, but I am. And so I'm hoping some of you have read it and can tell me -- is it worth sticking with it? Does it get better? Or at least get interesting? Or should I just give it up and move on?


  1. I was hoping you'd tell me! This book has been one of those I've been wondering about picking up since it came out. The title is cool, the cover is attractive, the storyline sounds interesting.

    Can you tell me why you don't like it?

    1. Ha! I wish I had better input. I'm just having a really hard time liking any/either of the characters. And while I'm fine with reading books whose characters I don't actually like, I find that I just don't care about these characters, the story, or what happens to them. But then I kind of feel like I'm maybe just missing something.

  2. Not worth it in my opinion. Theoretically the book should be better than it is, but... meh. I wasn't too impressed.

  3. Oh yeah. I got about 30 pages in and realized I didn't really care at all. Actually, kind of hated it. So. I'm probably not the best person to ask! I'd say if you don't finish- no guilt! :)


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